How To Prepare For SearchGPT


how to prepare for searchgpt as an entrepreneur and small business owner

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Have you heard of SearchGPT? Not to be confused with ChatGPT, SearchGPT is a prototype developed by OpenAI to compete with Google. Abbey recently attended a Neil Patel webinar about SearchGPT and its potential impact on the search experience. Listen to the episode to hear our thoughts on SearchGPT and how to prepare for its launch.

What is SearchGPT?

SearchGPT is a tool developed by OpenAI, the maker of ChatGPT. This tool combines the functionality of a search engine with ChatGPT’s conversational abilities. Instead of just providing a list of links like traditional search engines, SearchGPT can understand and respond to keyword searches in a more interactive and personalized manner. 

Around 10,000 users are reportedly testing out the prototype right now. We aren’t sure when the testing phase will be completed. The users are testing features such as:

  • Eliminate scrolling after you’ve searched
  • No ads— it’s already a subscription model
  • More conversational rather than keyword-focused

Limitations of SearchGPT

As with any tool, there are limitations to SearchGPT. First, not all searches are informational. Some are specifically for local businesses or e-commerce. Google has a leg up in this department.

Also, remember how ChatGPT didn’t have information more recent than November 2022 when it first launched? SearchGPT is facing a similar limitation. Google will win here because they have the infrastructure to pull real-time data. SearchGPT could get there eventually, but not right now.

What does this mean for SEO? 

Is SEO dying? Will Google disappear? 😨


We think it’s good for Google to have some competition. There’s room for more than one search tool – we already have TikTok, YouTube, Pinterest, Bing, Yahoo… Google has competitors, so think of SearchGPT as just another search tool you can start using soon.

There’s actually a new term out there called Artificial Intelligence Optimization (AIO). It means optimizing your content for AI. 

How can you prepare or update your past content so you are ready for SearchGPT?

This is the main thing we wanted to talk about today. How do you prepare your content and your business for SearchGPT?

Create more conversational content

SearchGPT will prioritize interaction over traditional keyword focus. Businesses should begin producing content that answers questions in a natural, dialogue-like format. Write like you’re talking to your audience face-to-face. Be authentic and genuine in your content.

TIP: Start with your existing content. How can you make some of it more conversational? Could you add an FAQ section? Try asking ChatGPT how to make it more conversational. Episode #98 gives you ChatGPT prompts to get started.

Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords that are more like sentences are going to win. When doing keyword research, use the question keyword suggestions. Optimize your content for full sentences. Not only will it attract a more niche audience, but you’ll add in the conversational piece.

Add More Local Content

This is where you will continue to shine on Google for the time being. Local and time-relevant content will still win here. Add local keywords to your headings, metadata, or alt text.

Focus on load times

Load times have always been important, but we think core web vitals and page speed will be more important than ever moving forward. Go to PageSpeed Insights to see more on how you rank here. We talk about this on our email list all the time. Read our past emails on Substack!

Create TL;DR summaries for your long-form content

Make it easy for search engines to grab what they need by summarizing things for them! Too long, didn’t read (TL;DR) summaries are only a few short sentences, and are easy to add to your blogs.

Most importantly, don’t freak out. This isn’t going to take over Google overnight. There will be a hype, kinda like Threads. But Google is more than just a tool, it’s a habit. And habits are extra hard to change. 

Don’t worry, you are in good hands. You know we will always keep you updated. Just keep doing what you are doing and follow these tips. 

searchgpt for small businesses

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Abbey Oslin and Courtney Petersen are Minnesota-based marketing experts, educators, and co-founders of boutique marketing agency Duo Collective, which specializes in SEO, social media strategy, and branding for small business owners and creative entrepreneurs. To learn more about Duo Collective, or to inquire about working with our team, head over to 

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