How To Consistently Find Fresh, New Blog Topic Ideas


Where to Source Blog Topic Ideas, with Eden at Maven Made Copy

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Today, we’re chatting with one of our favorite humans, Eden from Maven Made Copy. Eden has been working behind the scenes in our business for years helping us with SEO and owning our blog. She is our go-to recommendation when our clients or students are ready to offload their blog into the hands of an expert. 

We knew we needed to bring her on the podcast to talk about how she comes up with blog topic ideas: One of the biggest struggles we hear from business owners who have blogs. We talk all the time about this from an SEO perspective, but we wanted to get another creative angle. So tune in to meet Eden and get your next blog idea

What you’ll hear in this episode:

  • How do you come up with fresh blog ideas over and over again? 
  • How do you stay up-to-date on the latest trends and topics your audience is interested in? 
  • What are some of the most common mistakes you see people make when it comes to choosing blog topics?
  • ​Everyone is scared of using AI when it comes to blog writing. What’s your opinion here?

Sourcing Blog Topic Ideas

This can be the most intimidating part of starting a blog – how to come up with fresh blog topic ideas consistently. It’s something even we struggle with! These are some of Eden’s ideas on where to find blog topic ideas.

Listening and paying attention

Your audience will tell you what they want to know. What do they want to know about or what are they confused about? 

Social Media

Social media can be a great way to listen to your audience. What is your audience talking about? What are their common struggles? Do you notice any knowledge gaps that you can educate on? What are your competitors talking about? What are some trending topics? Do you have any social posts that outperformed others? It could indicate your audience wants to know more about that topic!

You can also use social media to ask your audience directly what they want to learn about. Use polls, quizzes, and question boxes in your stories to find new blog topic ideas. This episode on Substack came from a listener question!

Keyword Research

We are huge fans of Ubersuggest and SEMrush for keyword research. You can discover what people are searching for and create blogs around it. In Ubersuggest, type in a few keywords related to your business, services, expertise, or audience. It will then give you metrics around those keywords, but also tons of other related keywords. You can find blog topic idea gold here!

Books, Podcasts, and Webinars

It’s never okay to copy someone’s ideas, but you can definitely use them as inspiration for your blog. Abbey often attends Neil Patel webinars and gets new topic ideas from his presentations. Even this podcast episode might inspire some blog topics for you! We also use ideas from books for female entrepreneurs to inspire podcasts and blog topics for Duo. 

Client and Lead Questions

What are some things you ALWAYS get asked about? Write a blog about it! Then instead of sending the same answer every time, you can refer them to your blog post that goes in more detail. You might even get this question less often if you already have a resource that answers common questions. Episode #131 is a perfect example of this!

Also, see if you can expand on any questions you have in the FAQ section of your website. These can be great blog topic ideas.

Your Existing Content

Review your existing content and see if there are topics you mention but don’t go into detail on. For example, we found ourselves talking about domain authority a lot but didn’t have a full blog on it. So we asked Eden to write a blog explaining domain authority. Then we had another internal link for the other blogs on our website mentioning domain authority!

The Brew

The Brew is one of our favorite places to find blog topic ideas. You get daily hot topics in your inbox to gain inspiration from. It has ideas for almost every industry, so sign up for their list to get started!

Your Expertise

You know what you’re talking about! Think about your personal experiences. What were some things you Googled when you first started your biz? What were you confused about? What do you wish you knew when you started? You’ve come a long way in your entrepreneurial journey and have learned a lot. You could find some good nuggets in your wisdom to blog about.

Wrapping Up Blog Topic Ideas

Don’t let not knowing what to write about stop you from blogging. We’ve preached the importance of blogging before, and even with the rise of AI, we still think it’s a great marketing strategy for entrepreneurs. Use the tips Eden shared in this episode to brainstorm some topic ideas, then get to writing! Or hire Eden to do it for you like we did 😉

About Eden

Eden is a blog writer and SEO strategist for creative entrepreneurs. She creates a custom blog strategy for each client that combines personality and SEO to grow their website traffic and attract the right leads. Eden has written blogs for over 30 industries, believing every business can benefit from a blog strategy. In her free time, she loves to read (particularly murder mysteries and fantasy books), bake, and travel.

Visit her website.

Follow her on Instagram.

Download her free blog content calendar template.

how to think of blog content ideas

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Abbey Oslin and Courtney Petersen are Minnesota-based marketing experts, educators, and co-founders of boutique marketing agency Duo Collective, which specializes in SEO, social media strategy, and branding for small business owners and creative entrepreneurs. To learn more about Duo Collective, or to inquire about working with our team, head over to 

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