A Life Update From The Duo


hosts of a business marketing podcast

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Our last intro was wayyyyy back (as in episode #2 of Duo on Air 😅) so it’s about time we gave you a life update to catch you up on what’s been going on with us! We know how much you guys love little peaks into our lives and today, we’re in the hot seat.

Abbey’s Life Update

A lot has changed in my world in the past few years!

Two Small Business Owners

My husband just bought a brewery in Minneapolis so we are officially two small business owners and our taxes are a nightmare 😭 My husband is in a business partnership, too, with the brewer. I feel like I can teach him all the things about being in a business partnership 😉 He’s running everything from the business side and their partnership is going very well.

Kids Starting School

I quit corporate (NOT Duo like I said in the episode lol) after my second maternity leave. This was about one year into Duo. Court was still working at the agency so I worked from home with my babies. We had fewer clients and work at the time so it was a good setup for me. I have always worked with my two boys at home but my days have not been consistent. Episode #67 gets into what it’s like to work at home with limited childcare.

Right now, I have a four-year-old and a five-year-old. This fall is the first time that both of my boys will be at school from 8 am – 3 pm (hallelujah.) I will have seven hours every weekday to work in peace. I’m not forcing myself to work those exact hours every day (or else why would I have left my agency job?) but it’ll be nice to have seven hours to get things done.

Court’s Life Update

My life is also chaotic, but in a different way.

Growing a Business

My husband is also a small business owner. He is a new home designer and has goals to grow it in the future. He works with contractors around town and does new home designs for them but he also has his own entity. In the future, he wants to be his own builder but that comes with a lot of legality and resources. That’s the scary part about his business versus ours but he’s doing great!

Learning How to Be a Mom

It’s a big job but I’m so grateful for it. Things are always changing and I’m always trying to figure it out. Mila is 15 months old and it’s a really fun age. She’s waddling around and is slowly starting to run now. She’s learning all sorts of words and I love teaching her new things. It keeps getting better and better and I’m enjoying every season with her. It’s rewarding to see her grow and learn. 

Growing Together

We always thought we’d be in the same seasons of life together, but we aren’t. It makes it difficult to plan for anything. We’ve had to realize when we expect ourselves to be in one place and switch our mindsets to appreciate where we both are in life and business. 

When We Aren’t Working on Duo…

Court is watching true crime. Any recs, send them her way! She’s a big adult rec sports gal – sign her up for any and all sports leagues. She loves planning trips for her family but hates flying. 

Abbey will have more answers for this after a few months… She’ll have more time to pursue new hobbies. She bought a camper this year because her family loves to go camping. It’s been a little hard to do that this year because of her husband’s new business, but next year she’ll make up for it! She still loves her garden and keeps up a garden spreadsheet 😂

This was an unconventional episode of Duo on Air but we hope you liked hearing a life update from us! We’ll be back next week with your regularly scheduled marketing content!

Life Update-Re-Introduction to the Duo

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Abbey Oslin and Courtney Petersen are Minnesota-based marketing experts, educators, and co-founders of boutique marketing agency Duo Collective, which specializes in SEO, social media strategy, and branding for small business owners and creative entrepreneurs. To learn more about Duo Collective, or to inquire about working with our team, head over to www.duocollective.com. 

To inquire about being a guest on Duo On Air, please fill out this application form. 

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