The Best Google Tools For Entrepreneurs Who Are Starting Their Business


Google Tools for Entrepreneurs

Starting a new business can be overwhelming. Trust us, we’ve been there! Whether you are just starting now or five years in, you are most likely still looking for those resources that can take your business to the next level. There are so many different tools for entrepreneurs across every platform. For those of you that want to be found on search engines like Google, these three tools are a must. So let’s dive into it. Here are three essential Google tools for entrepreneurs – especially those who are just starting out. 

1. Google Analytics

This is an incredible resource for anyone who owns a website. In short, it can help you understand who your audience is and how they may interact with your page. In our opinion, this might be one of the most underutilized tools in our industry. Most of our clients understand the importance of placing the GA (Google Analytics) pixel on their page, but they don’t understand how to read the data. Or why they would want to analyze the data. Would it surprise you if we said we were in our Google Analytics account weekly? Here are just a few things we look for:

  • Demographics of our audience for a specific time period (this week, month or year)
  • Our audience’s interests when building paid advertising campaigns on social media
  • Top performing blog posts when crafting new content
  • Where our traffic is coming from – search, social media, etc.

The correlation between your audience demographics and content creation is super important to understand. Whether you are creating content for your social media accounts, blog or email list, this Google tool for entrepreneurs is the ultimate guide. Don’t forget this hot tip when setting up your account so you don’t miss out on all that juicy data. 

2. Google Search Console

If you are ready to get serious about SEO, (we hope all of you are nodding your head yes) then Google Search Console is a must. This Google tool for entrepreneurs provides insights that cannot be found on Google Analytics. It helps you monitor your organic search rankings and is ultimately your guide to being Google’s BFF. 

It only takes a few seconds to add this to your website and just like almost every other Google tool, it is a proactive tracking tool. Meaning you can’t go back in time to capture data – it’s forward looking. 

Having a good relationship with Google means maintaining your website to ensure your visitors have a happy experience. This tool will identify any errors such as missing links and 404 errors. But the reason why we really love this resource is to understand exactly what keywords our audience is using to find us. Take a look at the screenshot below. These are all “queries” that either generated clicks to our website from Google or we appeared on the search engine page resulting in an impression. Pretty cool huh!?

Google Search Console

3. Google Business Profile

Last, but definitely not least, is Google Business Profile. This Google tool for entrepreneurs is also a must have. Especially if you are a business that has specific hours or company changes due to covid-19. 

As the name implies, this tool will help your current audience, and future customers, find you when they turn to Google. These details show up on the right hand side of your search page. This tool also brings in a personal aspect to your business by allowing you to add company photos of your business and employees. It is also a phenomenal tool when creating a testimonial or review process. 

Do you have a local business? Then this is especially important! Without this Google tool you are missing out on a huge opportunity to generate new traffic and ultimately leads for your business. 

3 Google Tools for Entrepreneurs

The Google Tools You Need

There you have it, three essential Google tools for entrepreneurs.

The best part about all of these tools is that they are completely free! And each one will only take you a few minutes to implement. So stop delaying and make a plan to set up these three accounts this week. Even if you aren’t ready to digest the information, make sure you start capturing it. 

Are you starting a new business and looking for more small business marketing tips? Check out our top 10 small business marketing tips. Or better yet, email us. We love working one on one with our clients to find a plan that fits your business. 

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